Diamond-backed Watersnake (Nerodia rhombifer)

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Report Snake SightingAppearance
Diamond-backed Watersnakes are large, stocky snakes identified by dark, diamond-shaped blotches on their back and sides. Their background color is usually brown, but can range from yellowish to greenish. Their belly is light yellow with dark, half-moon shaped spots. Their scales are keeled and the anal plate is divided.
Most adults are approximately 3 feet in total length.
Diamond-backed Watersnakes are found in the Jackson Purchase and western Kentucky coalfields. They can be found within or around any permanent, aquatic habitat (i.e. ponds, rivers, lakes, etc.).
Natural History
Diamond-backed Watersnakes mate in spring and give birth to up to 50 live young in the late summer. Fish, especially catfish, make up a large part of the diet of these snakes.
Similar to other Watersnakes, Diamond-backed Watersnakes will bite and expel a pungent musk when handled.
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