Queensnake (Regina septemvittata)

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Report Snake SightingAppearance
Queensnakes are slender snakes with small heads and keeled scales. Their dorsum is typically light brown, olive green or gray-black, often with indistinct black lines on their sides. The belly is off-white to yellow with four dark brown to black stripes. They have a divided anal plate.
Adult snakes range between 14 inches and 2 feet in total length.
Queensnakes are found primarily in central Kentucky. They are common in rocky streams and rivers lined with riparian vegetation, where they often bask on shrubs or branches. Additionally, they occasionally show up in ponds, lakes and reservoirs.
Natural History
Queensnakes mate in spring and give birth to 5-23 live young in late summer or early fall. These snakes feed almost exclusively on freshly molted crayfish.
Queensnakes rarely bite but almost always release musk when captured. Queensnakes have the most permeable skin out of all snakes, thus they are restricted to streamside and aquatic habitats as they are highly sensitive to evaporative water loss.
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